Monday, March 30, 2009

My Letter To All Females - Part IV(a)

Everyone take a deep breath. I can't make any promises, but I believe these next two (which are connected) will be the last parts of this series. Whew.

Repeated disclaimer: I do believe some of these things need to be said, mostly because I have thought them for a while and just can't stand them being in my head anymore :-), but also because by the grace of God, I pray that some of these words do benefit someone and do find a purpose.

Let's Talk About Boys...:-),

This post is written with non-married women in mind. The biggest reason being, all the problems/issues/happenings that I am trying to prevent by typing this are all pre-marriage. Hopefully, if you are married, you made a series of good decisions and if you didn't, you have sought Godly counsel.

So here are some thoughts, broken into two phases that all fall under the pre-marriage header:

Singleness: Yeah yeah...I know what many are thinking. Please not another "God loves you in spite of your singleness" talk...:-) I promise that isn't what this is...(although He does :-))

In all seriousness though, I fear that to many degrees we have sacrificed Him for all the temporary pleasures of this world. A lot of you have idolized the fantasy of being with the opposite sex so much so that you have forgotten your first love. And if the Lord wasn't your first love, you need to know Him. A priority? Yes. But more importantly, a life-changing, path-altering, goal-shifting, view-shaking decision? Absolutely.

And like someone needing something to survive, many girls today make decisions based on a frenzy effect and not on the leading of the Lord.

I feel like the Lord sits, watches and says, "What about me?"

I believe many young women crave the aspects of a relationship (acceptance, physical touch, affirmation, feeling of love, intimate connection, etc.) and out of that craving, instead of finding all of those in the Lord, make quick decisions to date someone who doesn't come anywhere close to what they're looking for in an ideal lifelong friend and mate.

Contrary to popular belief: You do not need a man.

So here's what I'm driving at and this relates to one of my previous posts:

You want love? He is the only one that can truly offer a completely selfless version of it.
You want acceptance? The Lord and the Body of Christ are supposed to be the leaders in that.
You want affection? I hope and pray that you have some healthy relationships and healthy male friendships in your life that can show you that.
You want an intimate connection? So does the Lord! With us!

Look, I'm not missing the (elephant in the room) point here. I realize that God made Eve for a reason. Men and women are meant to be together, I get it. But don't look with a scowl at your season of singleness...or even life of singleness because the fulfillment that the Lord offers can/should quench us and then everything else (a god-centered, healthy relationship with a godly man WHO respects you) is in addition to that fulfillment.

Why do you think the Lord finished creation with you? You really are the final masterpiece of creation. Bought with the blood of the King and formed in His likeness to show His glory.

Yeah, you're kind of a big deal...:-)


Anonymous said...

Wow... Holy Smokes :) Good stuff--- I like this even more than what I've previously read!Way to make any girl feel special!!

Ash B. said...

Wow...conviction and encouragement. sheesh and schwoo! Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

I agree when you said the Lord sits and says "what about me?" On a personal note, I got slammed by the Lord on that one day. His exact words were "why are you pursing marriage with a man and neglecting a marriage with Me??" Yikes. Needless to say, I was humbled and yet grateful for the grace to have that revelation and adjust my thinking. But the weird part was, I never thought I WAS the girl who pursued marriage. But the point was I pursued the marriage relationship...the affection, the love, the intimate connection. I yearned for that in the natural, not the supernatural.  But Praise God for restoration and renewal!

Anonymous said...

Dear one, you truly are missing your calling, you need to write a book or find a pulpit. This needs to be shared with the world. Unlike "other" blogs, this one touches my heart and speaks such Godly truth. Preach it Ryan! God truly has His hand upon you and your future. =0)

Summer Lee Carlson said...

This was my favorite installment in the series so far :0)

Thanks for taking the time to write these Ry, and for making sure we understand your desire to point out the worth in the females around you, not only in your eyes but especially in God's :)

Sara H. said...

I love the way that God is teaching you and allowing you to share what's on your heart. It's encouraging to have these truths confirmed by a man in my age bracket; what a blessing. Not only that, the way that you live your life shows everyone that you believe what you write here. Thank you for sharing this with us in a way that we as women can be challenged and encouraged.

Summer Lee Carlson said...

Part IV (b)?... soon?