So Ladies, let’s talk about boys and dating,
And yes. This may draw some criticism like one of my previous posts that this is just white noise and everyone knows it, but that is why blogs exist, for people to say how they feel…and I pray that someone (both genders) get challenged with these words to some degree.
Here are a few dangerous scenarios:
- One of the most common and yet most ignored issues in dating today, is the “I can’t stand him or how he treats me, but I may not be able to get anyone else so…I’ll stay with him”. Let me just be forward with you. That is a lie from the pit of hell. You could literally ruin your life forever because of not being patient enough to let the Lord work and provide someone that you do enjoy and can respect and can be with. I mean, look around! Can’t you see the people that you know who decided to marry someone for that reason? Is that a relationship you hope to mirror some day? We’ve already talked about this…and I will say it again…you have immeasurable value! So, don’t waste your time with future deadbeats who are using you for your body, money, or the schedule structure you bring but aren’t giving much, if anything, back!
- Speaking of deadbeats, let’s talk about relationship effort. Here’s you, contributing 80+% of the effort toward the relationship and you’re getting almost nothing back. Do you really think that is sustainable? Are you really comfortable with someday having a husband who is more like a child who needs everything done for them? I promise you: that will get old fast. You need to kick him to the streets. It may look funny on TV when guys are stupid and their wives are geniuses and it’s so cute…but in real life, when you’re not getting paid to be an actress and act like it’s cute, it doesn’t last long
Subpoints in that category:
- Not all ADULT men waste 3 hours a day playing video games, leave him unless you see Halo and cuddling in your future (Really? ADULT men playing hours of video games daily…that feels weird to even type that out on my keyboard)
- Yes, you are more important than sports games and the TV
- If you hanging out with your boyfriend is like that babysitting job you had once, get ready for a life time of that
- If he doesn’t want to go to church now or lead your relationship spiritually, he isn’t going to if you just “love him” more. It just doesn’t work like that. Has it ever happened? Sure! But does it normally…no
- If he has ever hit you or threatened to hit you, not only should you tell someone about it ASAP, you need to get out of that before something even more serious happens. Behaviors hint at what’s inside. It will most likely only get worse (and if you’re ever afraid to break up with someone because of this fear, call me and we’ll figure out something for you)
- Living together is NOT a good idea. Not just because it isn’t “moral”, but statistics have come out now after more than a decade of this trend picking up substantially and the “trial marriage” doesn’t help the chances of avoiding divorce at all. It actually increases them! You are being used for sex, and I don’t care what he tells you. If he cared about you or Jesus at all, he wouldn’t ask you to be in that situation
- One of my least favorite, but frequent, lines that I hear from mainly high school age girls is, “yeah, he may treat everyone else like trash, but he’s so sweet to me”. Do you seriously think that he is fixed on supplying all your needs and ready to responsibly invest in a relationship with you? Please! He’s working toward using you. If he treats you much nicer than everyone else in his life, he’s not worth your time and he’s convinced that if he keeps it up, he can get something from you. It will only get worse when you slide the ring on your finger
Lastly and HUGELY important, you need to give respect to get respect. Ideally we all should respect each other by choice, but let me just say, if you are dating someone who doesn’t act like they are 5 years old, but maybe doesn’t speak as fast as you or come up with decisions as fast as you…you HAVE to learn to respect them in the way of not making all the decisions just because it isn’t the pace you’re used to. God made men slow ☺. Seriously, we process stuff for a longer time and try to make better decisions. Is that true for everyone and does that time taken always help? Not always, but I promise you this, you have the power to completely cripple your boyfriend or husband with your words. And in all seriousness, I believe we will be held accountable for that stuff someday. Yes, he needs to respect you and if he doesn’t at all, don’t waste your time, but if you don’t respect him at all, chances are, you are de-motivating him to be better, not the opposite like you may think.
Recommended pre-marriage book (so I’m told ☺):
- Love and Respect by Emerich Eggrich
- For Women Only by Shaunti Feldham
This is a wonderful topic - glad you posted it, and 100% true. Waiting for the best is so worth it!
I'm glad you finished this series of posts. Thanks for reiterating that it is never OK to be in a relationship where you get hit. Sometime I forget that that's supposed to be a no-brainer.
agreed ryan. I know we havent talked in forever but yeah, i agree. i did not settle and i have the greatest husband to prove it. also read for women only. there is also a guys version called for men only. both have really helpful things but you do have to sift through it to get whats good!
Hello from Brazil....
I just figured out you have a blog. I'm so impressed with this post, and happy to read it, because the women need to know their value.
I thought the whole post was great but was particularly interested in the point about text messaging. What you said is so true. People look at the convenience of texting (I do as well obviously since I have unlimited text :)), but what's missing from that form of communication is the intimacy. You can't see the person's facial expression or how the person is speaking. Those are very important factors (to me) in effective communication, especially with someone you're potentially planning to spend the rest of your life with.
Kudos :)
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