Monday, March 02, 2009

My Letter To All Females - Part II

Disclaimer: I am not so haughty to assume that my words are like gold and thus title this post something that could be taken to sound as if women in general need to hear my words. Please here my heart in this. This letter is an accumulation of years of confusion, questions, and yes tears. Please comment if you would like. If you seriously disagree with anything, just call me. There will be more parts; this rant went long. Sorry. It's because of a broken heart.

Dear Ladies,
If I may, I would like to speak to a couple different areas of life that have honestly weighed me down for years. To start, how you view yourselves.

How You (Ladies) View Yourselves:
This is possibly one of the most frustrating things to observe. Let me say first, to any female reading this who has ever thought otherwise, you have more value to the Lord and this life than you could possibly realize. How dare you think the way you do and say the things you do about a child of His, made in His image? He doesn't care what your weight is. He doesn't care what you look like. He doesn't care how bad of a singer or public speaker you are. He doesn't care about anything you have ever done wrong AS LONG AS you are using these examples as proof for Him not to love you. What I am saying is this: He made you, crafted you, gave you the personality you have, gave you the eye color you have, gave you the voice you have, gave you the talents you have. How ridiculous is it for us humans to turn these gifts into self-deprecation points?

Look, I understand (to a degree). Everyone wants to look good and want people to like them, but as stated in my last post, if you don't realize that you were made for a relationship with the King of Kings who loves unconditionally, you will NEVER be satisfied. You could have the most awesome and fashionable clothes. You could be the most gorgeous girl who has ever lived. You could be the thinnest person in the world. You could be the smartest girl and the wisest. But all of this will mean nothing if you don't realize what you were created for and live like you realize it. Unconditionally. Meaning: what ever you do: sin, mistakes, bad choices, however you look, however smart you, however many boys have asked you doesn't matter. He loves with a love that is unconditional. You can not earn it.

The girls that you are told to be like, the ones on the magazines, you think they wake up and read their Bible? Not to judge, but I doubt most of them do. With JUST THAT in mind, you should feel called to a different lifestyle. You were created to delight in the King and Him only and if there is a man who strives to replicate Christ's love for the church in a relationship with you, then draw closer to the Lord together. However, if a possible "suitor" does not fit this description, because you have such contentment in the Lord, you should not even waste your time, because that is honestly what you would be doing if you pursued it anyway.

Some people say, "I would rather be unhappy than alone", and as much as I think that is bogus, let me ask you this, would you rather be not loved and married, or "alone" and loved by the King only? When we have the contentment that would respond to that question with the "alone with the King" option, then and only then can anyone expect to have a healthy marriage, because the foundation is solid. Two people, in love with the King and each other. The way it was designed to be from the beginning.

You are special! You are valued! Don't think otherwise.

Not that any of you fit in this category :-), but to not feel like I have left anything out, this portion is for any ladies reading this who think very highly AND speak of yourselves in a braggadocios manner all the time:
It is hard for me to say this after all the positive things I just said, but in the same way that it is severely detrimental to view yourself in a negative manner all the time, it is equally and possibly more dangerous to command worship from others all the time, either by your actions or words.

An individual who fits in this category feels that she deserves everything. She is entitled to whatever she thinks she is. She commands things out of people and gets annoyed when the praises from others aren't constantly flowing.

And do I think you are totally to blame? Not really. But largely. It could be a number of things. A parent who takes the princess imagery a little too far and turns it into child worship, getting everything you have ever wanted your whole life (materially speaking), or it could even just be part of your personality. Whatever the reason, it is not Christlike, and may I challenge you to take a look at yourself and make sure you are not this way.

Biggest reason: God honors humility. It's everywhere. One of the most repeated quotes in the Bible, "God opposed the proud and gives grace to the humble". Second biggest reason: your gender's example, the Hollywood dwelling gals...their lives are centered around worship of themselves (their bodies, talent, but mainly money). There are plenty of beautiful women who aren't famous. It comes down to the money. Okay, enough of that tangent (had to get it out there).

Here's what the Bible says about the example for you that shows and movies provide: Romans 12:2, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will". Again, hear my heart. I am not condemning you and trying to make anyone depressed, but I am shouting, "SET YOURSELF FREE!" from the bondage of this kind of life. It may seem fun for a little while, but it is shallow and temporary.

Proverbs 31:30: "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised"

We all deserve death. You don't deserve the best clothes all the time. You don't deserve the most expensive ring (:-)). You don't deserve the best car money can buy. Your husband/boyfriend should want to bless you AND want to provide for you, but this is a statement of blessing, not deserving. You should admire your spouse and he should admire you and be willing to lay down his life for you. Ha, for goodness sakes, it's supposed to be a secret that you're a princess! You aren't supposed to know that and act like it, you are supposed to be honored by the loving and respectful actions of men in your life. Am I saying that all men act like that? No. And I apologize for that. And I certainly don't always either, but I'm still saying it because it needs to be said...

So, if you find yourself thinking you deserve the best parking spot, the best seat in the room, the best treatment, etc. all the time, then you need to remember something that Jesus said (whose words we are supposed to be following :-/):

Mark 9:35
"Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, 'If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all'."

Part III to follow....


Unknown said...

Wow-zahs. Definitely brought a few tears to my eyes... not for myself but for the young ladies I care about and attempt to model my life for. I wish so many woman of God, well, woman in general, could see this about themselves and truly believe it....including myself sometimes.

I read this somewhere, "A woman's heart should be so wrapped up in God that a man must first seek him in order to find her." This all reminded me of it.

Once Was Lost said...

So basically you are saying that all women are evil?

(just kidding)

Will there be a series on men in the near future?

Anonymous said...

such wisdom from such a young man, obviously you are very observant, caring and teachable...
sadly and happily we find what we search for...when we find the right search engine in God, makes us easier to see ourselves through His mirror, Jesus!...

rdubbs said...

A Credible Source, yes, there will be a series on men, and I'm really going to hand it to "us".

I chose to start with the ladies, so it didn't end with a lecture toward them :-) since in my opinion, we have just as much to work on in order to be more like Christ...maybe more, but it's close...

Both genders have set patterns for years that are destructive and completely against the word of God. I just hope this blog challenges a few, including myself to take a serious look at themselves.

Once Was Lost said...

I will look forward to it. I know I am already perfect, but I'm sure there are other men who need to hear what you will say.

Anonymous said...

I'm not exactly sure where to begin... so I'll just say one thing...I pray God blesses you with a woman who is both confident and proud but yet at the same time modest and humble... because of your prayer and scripture searching God will reward you!

Anonymous said...

i really believe that anyone that says they'd rather be unhappy than alone is only kidding himself or herself. we all know deep down that it's not true, but we allow ourselves to pretend it is to have an excuse to keep trying to make that magical relationship happen.

if you are living out the gospel in deep community with others, you are never alone.

Anonymous said...

part 3!

stomp, stomp

part 3!

stomp, stomp

part 3!

rdubbs said...

ha. I hear ya. I have it as a draft. Need to add a little more. Wednesday maybe? :-) thanks for the reminder Paul :-)

Anonymous said...

Long overdue...I know.

So this was intense and completely necessary. One thing that sticks out the most is the obvious...a young, Christian man is writing this. I hope this speaks volumes to all the ladies who read it. It's one thing to hear that we need to value ourselves and be humble at the same time from a woman, but when a God-fearing man speaks, the impact is different. It's comforting to know that male figures can see past the outer shell and into the inner depths of what females truly struggle with...

It's not been until recent years that I've truly embraced the love from the King as I should. I used to think I needed approval from my peers, but mostly men, in order to feel accomplished, worth something, valued... It was literally on a specific day that the Lord broke this "fear of man" in my life.

I guess I share this to say...there is freedom to love and be loved by the One who matters the most. Do I still care about what I look like and how I present myself to others? Yes. But there is a fine line between seeking the attention and approval from others and presenting yourself in a decent manner.

I'm rambling...I could go on and on. Maybe more to come...

rdubbs said...

not that any of you are losing sleep over it, but Sunday, March 22nd, I will post Part III...:-)


p.s. this comment is for Paul, who is apparently losing sleep over this. :-)

Anonymous said...

In my 10 years of being an adult, I've found it always helps to get equal doses of encouragement and a good ol' wooden spoon to the behind/tooshy. Don't we see that in scripture? How else will we become more like Christ? Not by hearing we are God's perfect children and without faults, right? And how else will we be challenged to overcome those ever-present-fleshly tendencies?

I really am impressed with what you had to say Ryan. I'm looking forward to the wooden spoon or even paddle with holes in it for the gents. I can only imagine how that might sting.

I would only say this to the ladies... being single (some might call it "alone") is a blessing, being with a someone who challenges you and encourages you, and MOST OF ALL, does not conform or wants you to conform to the standards and desires of this world is heavenly!!!!

I've known what it's like to be "alone" and I've known what it feels like to be with someone and still feel just as alone!!! "Better to be lonely and single than married and alone" is such an understatement.

Don't we all need a little tap with the wooden spoon to keep us on the straight and narrow? I'm putting on extra under-roos and 3 pairs of jeans for the guys parts 1,2,3,4,5, and 6. Its gonna hurt.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Someones trying to get a girlfriend. LOL!

rdubbs said...

I resent that. Ha. Okay, not resent. But seriously...since no one else will probably read this let me talk straight, Anonymous...too cowardly to give your name :-)...

If anything, I want to see everyone around me have better relationships because of this, that is the motive.

I am tired of seeing satan break up everything and everyone by convincing them that they are next to trash.

And I'm guessing you're a guy from your comment, but not sure...either way...

Many women today have no idea the value that they have in is so much more than clothes that make them look thin and guys noticing them...PLEASE! They (maybe you) are worth more than that...MANY (tempted to say most, but I'll stick with any) guys today are not even grown up enough or close enough to the Lord to have a girlfriend or a wife!

How dare men who act like they are 12 playing video games 6 hours a day, and watching TV for the dare men like that start a family. That is what destroys kids from an early age.

In closing :-), I want to set the record straight. If typing this gets more (or one, so as not to be presumptuous) girls to be interested in me, then they missed the point of this.

I am not trying to get a girlfriend. I am not looking. The Lord can do whatever He pleases, and I will be obedient, but in the words of I using this blog as a tactic to gain female friends? BY NO MEANS...

Thanks for the comment!

Naomi Elle Schwartz said...

I just found your blog and this series... very good stuff!! I wrote a long blog series about singleness a few months ago. You may find it intriguing. :) Here is the link to the 1st post, of many..
God bless!