Sunday, February 15, 2009

Loneliest Holiday of the Year?

I was pretty convinced a few months ago that Thanksgiving and Christmas can be very lonely, which is still true. Especially for people who have lost love ones.

We all do need healthy family love, I agree. But whether we got that or not, most people yearn for a more personal love in a mate.

But what holiday goes beyond that type of love to showcase whether or not you have someone who loves you enough to be married to you/seriously dating you?

Valentine's Day.

Dare I say that this day, not on a preaching from the street corners type of method, but a more personal (i.e. people you work with) way is the best evangelistic day of the year?

Many people don't have someone to call their "valentine" come February. Many people get depressed on this day for that reason.

What I am proposing/getting at is this: What other day of the year brings out a longing in us for a love that is truly unconditional? How many Valentine's Day one night stands are there where the individuals wake up the following day not feeling any more loved than the day before. The world and Hershey's say that we need a mate, even if just for the day, but I say...

We should actively be exemplifying a love that goes beyond chocolates and surprise flower deliveries. We after all know or should know what it is like to be loved unconditionally.

Ergo: The world celebrates this day through eros love (sexual love), but the problem is what everyone really wants/more so needs is agape love (unconditional).

Use this day/weekend/season to show someone what it really looks like to have this kind of genuine relationship. You might be missing out on the best day of the year to have that talk...


Anonymous said...

i'm with ya man.

too many christians, however, also choose to use this holiday to gripe and be depressed that they don't have "that someone," same as someone who doesn't know the love of God.

it will take a realization that we have a choice of what to focus on as v-day approaches--our lack of a companion, maybe our infatuation with a person we do have that keeps us from seeing a bigger mission, or the love of God and a call to use every opportunity for his gospel.

you're so right man--there are a lot of people that are pretty lonely, even if they won't admit it. i just hope we can get over our own temptation to be depressed or, if we do have someone to love on v-day, that we don't forget that love goes beyond the romantic level and that one person.

Sara H. said...

This is brilliant! I have never thought of this before, but I never heard such a great idea for V-Day! There are so many great opportunities to reach out to people on this day as they are so much more open when they are discussing the topics of love, loneliness, etc.

Once Was Lost said...

your insight is not unlike the speed of a cheetah...

except it is unlike a cheetah's speed... cause a cheetah can sprint for a moment, but then must rest... whereas you are always full of insight...
