Monday, July 14, 2008

Are these the words of my Jesus?

Recently, McDonald's, took an unashamed stance in favor of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual) community. I know that for some of the people reading this, it may stir up something in you to want to fight for morality. I challenge you though. Before you get riled up about it, read some of these comments, and then please comment on my blog and reassure me that there words are similar to what Jesus would say to the people of McDonald's if he were to make a statement.


Anonymous said...

In the article about that issue, the AFA accused McDonald's of joining the "theme of 'hate' " used by homosexual activists.

I read some of those comments on the Boycott McDonald's page and it seriously pains me inside.

Did Jesus boycott sinners when he walked the earth? No. He went into their homes and ate with them. There probably weren't any McDonald's in Israel back then, but people went to each other's houses for meals. He didn't boycott those people for their sins. He engaged them.

Anonymous said...

That comment was from Paul Heggie, to stifle any potential confusion. I think you know at least one other Paul.

rdubbs said...

Paul, I actually called corporate McDonald's and apologized for the things being said to them, and basically said that anyone who degrades them as people at their corporate offices, does not represent my Jesus. It may have been brazen, but hopefully it changed the viewpoint of one or two.

kslim said...

My Jesus is not excluding any. My Jesus calls to all. My Jesus weeps at the pain felt by his sheep. My Jesus seeks the lost and loves the dirty. My Jesus does not have a political agenda. Kingdom Come...