Friday, April 08, 2011

It's Really Actually Very Simple...

One of the most compelling and amazing things about what Jesus came and did a few thousand years ago is really the simplicity of it all.

Atonement, justification, christology, progressive vs. instant sanctification, pneumatology, ecclesiology, predestination, eschatology, arminianism vs. calvanism, anthropomorphism, and the list goes on and on...

At the end of the day, after we’ve made up our own words and ways of explaining things, after we've argued over the details of what it looks like to be a Christ follower, after we've written down all of our personal views on God and tried to put Him in a small box, after we've read books we agree with and huffed and puffed through books that we disagree with, and after we've created divisions that shouldn't exist because of preferences and views, at the end of the day...

we have a God who is Infinite,
but still
whispers “spend time with me”


paul h. said...

i'm loving the posts, man. keep 'em coming.

Merrie Dortignac said...

Well put, and incredible to think about. =) Thanks for sharing.

rdubbs said...

Thanks Merrie! It is quite humbling for me...but man am I grateful for it! My life is filled with things that are hard to figure out, but at the core, what Christ did for me and you: simple. yet. incredible. :) Have a great one!

Merrie Dortignac said...

So true. You've got something awesome going on here with this blog... Keep it up!