Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Year of the Men - Part I

Men. Man. Manhood. Manliness. Mankind. Masculinity.

These are the words that largely define us - we use these words as reasons for our actions, explanations of thoughts and even to excuse offenses. The crazy thing is - I'd like to propose that we literally have no idea what a true "man" should look like. The causation of this problem I believe is that the slums of Nairobi are about as similar to Las Vegas as the picture of manliness we've been given by our culture is similar to the life and ministry of Jesus Christ; polar opposites.

So what are we called to and how are they different?
- Called to protect, yet often, we are the threat
- Called to love, yet often, we simply use people
- Called to lead, yet often, we cower in fear
- Called to be an example of how Christ was with the church, yet often, if we can't get what we want when we want it, we're out the door
- Called to serve, yet often, we demand service
- Called to obedience (to the Lord), yet often, our agenda is solely based on what we want
- Called to respect, yet often, think we ONLY deserve it, but rarely give it
- Called to be an example, yet often, we pretend like our actions affect nothing...

The list could go on. Is this a posting of demeaning and arrogance - absolutely not! This is a call to action.

Look at the things we are guys have marketed towards us: video games with missions, movies with lots of scantily clad women (if "clad" at all) and cars, TV shows with all of the above...

Here's a ridiculous thought: I actually think there is something awesome about sin. Wha??? Ha, yeah, let me explain. You see sin is the perversion of the truth - of what is right. Obviously, I don't love the actual event of sin, but I think we can learn a lot from the rampant sin that we have seen for decades, centuries, millenia, etc.

Seriously, look at just about any sin, and I believe it is a slight perversion of something beautiful. What does that mean for us men? It means that we have to SEE where the perversion is and intentionally live outside of that...

Currently, for the most part, we're seeing the perversion and running straight after it. Money, women, cars, stuff, sex, lust, lack of commitment, selfishness, cheating, etc. are all thrown at us as the answer to an awesome life. Here's a novel question: if that stuff were really the answer to the perfect life, wouldn't we live in a perfect world? Yep. Aaaannd yet we don't. At all.

I believe God is "raising up" (challenging) a generation of young men to turn the tides and live (even quietly for the most part) lives that honor Him and His example. Christ came to the world be an example to us - not just to say, "Oh Israel, yeah, I was there once - nice place, although the Sea of Galilee could be bigger".

I believe it's time that we not fight for the cause of morality, but simply live lives that honor Christ in everything we do. After all, that is our charge...


paul said...

I've been waiting for this, man! Keep it coming!

Brenda said...

"Called to protect, yet often, we are the threat"

Very true.