Saturday, November 15, 2008

Abortion: Perhaps a Different View

I just finished reading a book, at 3AM this morning, that detailed a view of abortion that I had not thought of yet and I am interested in your thoughts...

- 1492 and on - The early settlers of what would become the USA, weren't necessarily born killers. As time went on, however, especially in the 1800's, the decision to take all of the land that the continent could provide from Native Americans by slaughter and government lies supported the notion that NA were not really people. Therefore, there land could be taken, but even more sad, we could exterminate hundreds of thousands of them.....

- 1800's and early 1900's: African Americans. Brought over on boats with unbelievably inhumane conditions (do some research on it), and then thrown into slavery. As if the slavery wasn't bad enough, murdering at will and killing for fun became common practice for this race. How did it happen? The American public was convinced that they were animals and not really people. This supported the idea that anything could be done to them without guilt. All men were created equal, but not the dark skinned ones....

- 1930's, 40's: German citizens were not inherently mindless killers and filled with hatred toward the Jews. Hitler successfully used the public to help exterminate Jews by convincing the citizens that they were not really people, therefore they could be eradicated.

- 1973 to present: Despite the fact that a child was born 21 weeks after gestation (9.5 inches long, and just about 10 ounces) and survived to be a healthy fully formed baby, despite the fact that we now have video evidence of a "fetus" reacting to the pain of being covered with acid and being ripped out of a womb, despite the millions of cases of women emotionally collapsing post-aborting, despite the fact that some killers of pregnant moms are charged with double murders, the current attitude of the American public is that pregnancy is a choice and those things growing inside of mothers are fetuses and not people. Amazing how we know that they are already people, but still pretend otherwise. We are being convinced that they are not people! Just like the other mass murders! And in the world right now, every minute 89 babies are aborted. I am not even getting into moral issues here...just talking straight philosophy. Anyone else see the enormous disconnect?

Dehumanizing people groups give us full rights to do what we want...

My own thoughts: I am pro-choice in the sense that...isn't it ones choice to get into bed with someone they don't want to have a child with...sorry if this is too blatantly honest, but can't people just stinkin' keep their pants on? Sheesh....


Mark said...

Great post Ryan. It's very telling if we look at the history of how everyone has been treated in conjunction with how things are today.

Anonymous said...

good word, a think christians really have a bigger responciblity then we accept. Abortion is a heart issue, just like murder on any scale, is a heart issue. We as a body of Christ need to stop relying on the president to change a law, we need to go in with the love of Christ and the power of the Spirit to change hearts. We are the radiance of Gods glory, and whereever the Glory touches things will be eternally changed!

rikki said...

hmm. my thought is, each of those historical acts of mass murdering had intention. intention to kill off groups of people...Native Americans, Africans, and Jews. with the abortion issue, we're not just killing off groups of people/races, we're killing off a GENERATION. could this be the very generation that the Bible talks about..THE Generation? is that why the Enemy is attacking these babies? the issue is aggravating, to say the least.
i agree with allie. it's time to stop relying on our Chief. rather, let's stop acting defeated by the election and rise up to stand up for what is RIGHT.

rdubbs said...

what does it look like to "stand up"?

Anonymous said...

to stand up costs us everything we were never created to be. it means to live like the one in whose image we were created, to be filled with freedom and slaves to the grace by which we live. to know that we dont only stand here on earth but that we are seated in heavenly places, that he commands his angels to attend us, and He loves us, he thinks we are amazing! to stand is to live in the ecstacy of His presence, to the point that in every place we go we take with us the glory and we preach the good news and show His power. to stand means we lay down everything the world tells us we must work to be and strive only to rest in the presence of the king. To stand means to discover the joy in never standing alone again!

Sara H. said...

I believe that the roots of this issue DOES in fact have genocidal intent overall; though singularly this is not the reason why it occurs (statistics show that the majority of American abortions are performed as a form of birth control). Generally speaking Abortions target those of lower socio-economic status, minority race groups, and females. Here are some things to consider:
78% of the world’s abortions happen in developing countries.
The worldwide average comes out to every woman in the world receiving one abortion in her lifetime.
The founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, was known to have raciest views and began the ‘Negro Project’. She favored sterilization and other means of limiting reproduction of the black race. Many of her practices are still in force today.
In relation to population statistics, African-Americans account for a disproportionate amount of abortions in America: They comprise roughly 14% of the population and account for 33% of abortions performed (those were the most conservative statistics I found). Breaking it down: African-Americas receive 74% of the abortions performed in Washington, 62% in Mississippi, 52% in New York City, and 50% in Georgia.
43% of African-American pregnancies end in abortion
78% of clinics are near or in minority communities.

I must say the timeliness of this blog entry is incredible. I had a dear friend call me late on Friday night to tell me that he got a friend of his pregnant and they are currently in the decision making phase. Allie, you are correct, this is a heart issue, but how does one truly show the love of Christ in this situation? Without the cliché answers and correct responses, how does one genuinely do this? Regardless of what choice is made, how does one tangibly love people? Yes it involves listening, being a sounding board, showing support, prayer…but what else? How can we corporately and individually be showing the love of our Jesus to these people?

Anonymous said...

this may be a cliche answer but really scripture is very simple!

I think one of the most important keys to loving people is to have a true understanding of how much Jesus loves us. Spending time in fellowship with Him, really setting time down not hours but even minutes a day and asking him to reveal how much he loves you. Jesus wants us to know, without a love experiance with him loving others is work and it wears you out. Sara I would say ask God to tell you how much he loves you and write down what you think he says to you, Ask God to give you his heart. In situations with abortion Patricia King said " You cant comprimise truth in order to love". its a hard situation particularly because it is such an emotional issue. but I would still say that when we as a body of Christ understand the depth of love given to us, then we will be able to love the people who stand outside the love.
In this situation all that you may be able to do is interceed on behalf of that child. Your prayers change things, your prayers even the smallest ones put the angels to action. So pray and pray, ill pray too!!

Anonymous said...

Finally! A post with some sense!

rdubbs said...

Sara and Allie...great convo!

Allie your definition of standing up was awesome...but Sara's right too...we are talking extremely ethereal and not literal...what can be done tomorrow (mainly because I don't know what can be done).

Allie, I actually don't know if I agree with that quote, because people can easily misconstrue that. I agree truth can't be compromised but love should supercede everything. Here's what I am saying pertaining to this issue:

- It is more Christlike to take a young girl, who has just learned she is pregnant and whose parents are disowning her because of it, into your home and care for her NO MATTER WHAT her decision with the baby...than it is to hold an Anti-Abortion sign outside a clinic and protest...

Truth and love are both powerful and potentially life changing, but we are supposed to be known by our love...which is something we are currently terrible at...

Anonymous said...


"Truth and love are both powerful and potentially life changing, but we are supposed to be known by our love."

That is a great point. And it's right in line with scripture, to boot. How many times does Jesus explicitly urge us to make sure truth prevails? How many times does Jesus explicitly urge us to make sure love prevails?

You gave the answer. I've never thought about it in that light before. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

yes! that is a good word!

Anonymous said...

Ryan, I think what you're saying is a great change in the ordering of priority of a lot of Christians. I visualize it like this:

The more effective path to God lies in:


not necessarily (though I'm not saying this can't or doesn't work):

Truth-->God, or Truth-->Love-->God

Love is what leads people to be able to find truth, love is what breaks down the walls of disbelief. Basically it's like...Jesus said the world will know you by your love for each other, not your moral stances.

Ha I'm still LOVING what you said! Can't get over it.

It's so funny how we can overlook what should be such obvious things.

Once Was Lost said...


How are you not married yet?

-If only I was a woman

rdubbs said...

To everyone except Credible Source:
Guys. Please be in prayer for Sara's friend. Things aren't looking to good right now. It is pretty much in the Lords hands completely (and always has), but it doesn't seem at this point that there is much anyone can do...except Him...

To Credible Source: Sustained. Irrelevant and Ridiculous.