Friday, November 28, 2008

At a Loss for Words...

I know this does very little in the grand scheme with the small base of people that read this blog but I had to share this because I was infuriated and literally started to cry when I read this...

Read this. This is what it has become. These are the kind of people we are. No excuses.


Read the whole article...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm convinced....

...that Stacie Orrico (There's got to be more to life than temporary highs) and Switchfoot (meant to live for so much more) were onto something...

...that if you don't have a holy discontent for more of Him in your life, you need to be closer to the Lord...

...that being a genuine follower of Christ has nothing to do with forwarding e-mails about United States legislation or ones that state you don't care about the Lord if you don't forward them, or passing around rumors of political candidates, or wearing a christian-ese shirt in a public place (which many are even afraid to do that), or having a jesus phish on your car....

...that the real life we should be living has miracles happening downtown in large cities with whoever is around watching, and us slipping into the crowd before any credit can be given...

...that we are called to so much more than 9-5...

...that our fears really DO control us, and we are just afraid to admit that...

...that we have an idea of how we should be, but it is so contrary to most anyone we know who calls themselves a christian, so we stay how we are, solidifying a boring, powerless life...

...that true love is more powerful than any other weapon...

...that is we only had control of our tongues, and asked the Lord how we should respond to situations or comments, the world would look completely different...

...that church every sunday morning, wednesday night, and the occasional sunday night service should make up about 3% of our attempting christ wanna be lives...

...that if you are unwilling to ever push yourself in any area (mainly physically, emotionally, and spiritually) it will be hard for the Lord to use you for anything substantial...

...that money, cars, shopping, shoes, teeth whiteners, socks, the morning after thanksgiving, movies, and a lot more things are just simply meaningless, but as it is, they control our lives...

...that even a one day trip in another culture that lives far below your standard of living, would be far more than life-altering...

...that Satan's #1 tool in the United States is putting blinders to either side of our eyes, making us have spiritual tunnel vision and never seeing the whole picture...

...that in most people of the age of 50, you will find a story of a dream birthed in them at a young age that they never pursued and regreat greatly, but still watch younger generations repeat the same mistakes...

...that if we even began to understand the importance of the calling that we have been given, we would live completely different..

...that the evidence of our total ignorance is our lives themselves...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Abortion: Perhaps a Different View

I just finished reading a book, at 3AM this morning, that detailed a view of abortion that I had not thought of yet and I am interested in your thoughts...

- 1492 and on - The early settlers of what would become the USA, weren't necessarily born killers. As time went on, however, especially in the 1800's, the decision to take all of the land that the continent could provide from Native Americans by slaughter and government lies supported the notion that NA were not really people. Therefore, there land could be taken, but even more sad, we could exterminate hundreds of thousands of them.....

- 1800's and early 1900's: African Americans. Brought over on boats with unbelievably inhumane conditions (do some research on it), and then thrown into slavery. As if the slavery wasn't bad enough, murdering at will and killing for fun became common practice for this race. How did it happen? The American public was convinced that they were animals and not really people. This supported the idea that anything could be done to them without guilt. All men were created equal, but not the dark skinned ones....

- 1930's, 40's: German citizens were not inherently mindless killers and filled with hatred toward the Jews. Hitler successfully used the public to help exterminate Jews by convincing the citizens that they were not really people, therefore they could be eradicated.

- 1973 to present: Despite the fact that a child was born 21 weeks after gestation (9.5 inches long, and just about 10 ounces) and survived to be a healthy fully formed baby, despite the fact that we now have video evidence of a "fetus" reacting to the pain of being covered with acid and being ripped out of a womb, despite the millions of cases of women emotionally collapsing post-aborting, despite the fact that some killers of pregnant moms are charged with double murders, the current attitude of the American public is that pregnancy is a choice and those things growing inside of mothers are fetuses and not people. Amazing how we know that they are already people, but still pretend otherwise. We are being convinced that they are not people! Just like the other mass murders! And in the world right now, every minute 89 babies are aborted. I am not even getting into moral issues here...just talking straight philosophy. Anyone else see the enormous disconnect?

Dehumanizing people groups give us full rights to do what we want...

My own thoughts: I am pro-choice in the sense that...isn't it ones choice to get into bed with someone they don't want to have a child with...sorry if this is too blatantly honest, but can't people just stinkin' keep their pants on? Sheesh....