Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back to quotes...

Here is a quote from a really good article I read recently...

When the church takes a stance that emphasizes political activism and social moralizing, it always diverts energy and resources away from evangelization. Such an antagonistic position toward the established secular culture invariably leads believers to feel hostile not only to unsaved government leaders with whom they disagree, but also antagonistic toward the unsaved residents of that culture—neighbors and fellow citizens they ought to love, pray for, and share the gospel with. To me it is unthinkable that we become enemies of the very people we seek to win to Christ, our potential brothers and sisters in the Lord.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

At a Recent Barack Obama Event

I have to admit, my first thought was total sarcasm...

"Really? you really think this is representing Christ?"

My second thought was just pure frustration, bordering on anger....

Your thoughts?