Monday, December 03, 2007

The Golden Compass, Harry Potter, and the like...

I know I haven't posted in forever, but an article I read today has brought me out of my seclusion and has single-handedly made me decide to post more...ha...

I saw a headline for this article and decided to check it out.
(reading it might held explain this post better)

Basically, the article is saying how upset some prominent Christians groups are over the release of the new movie, the Golden Compass. Essentially, the short version of the movie, as I understand it, is that it is Narnia, but the Jesus figure stays dead at the end. The movie is based on a book written by an Agnostic, Philip Pullman.

I will try and keep this short and sweet (or not, it's sort of like flipping tables, ha). I am so tired of "Christian groups" making all of these "statements" and getting non-believers hating us more and making the believers who are always on edge, wanting to make sure not to have satan (lowercase "s" intentional, he doesn't capitalization) himself enter their household through any form of media.

Here's the deal: when we act like this, it solidifies the fact that we are ran by rules. This is not attractive. People do not want to join "organized religion". For goodness sakes, I don't even want to join organized religion.

When it comes to making the right choices in what you view, be smart. Not everything is beneficial, I agree, but watching this Golden Compass movie, or reading Harry Potter books is not going to send you to hell. An anti-Jesus movie should break our hearts and make us want to know Him better...not enrage us, and cause us to pick up our morality pitchforks and start calling our senators and state representatives.

The point: Christ doesn't stinking need defending...He is the Christ...the Alpha and Omega. He is the I am. He can raise people from the dead, and turn water into wine (not for getting drunk of course :-)). He is bigger than The Golden Compass, and Harry Potter. Spend your time in the Word, not defending Christ to the media...this will bring real change...and that's what we should want...not whining, but change...